
Marcin Niemira

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Before making any big decisions let’s consider given topics:

Let’s check and mark every single point here. Some characteristics may not apply, as stateless application may not need to backup any data. In this case answer can be N/A. Some of features are critical, once other are not, but all of them should be considered and kept as part of design. The priority always comes from problem domain. You cannot satisfy every characteristic, but there should be an information what was prioritized and why. Final list should be short whenever possible.

characteristic comments answer
Corectness What can we do, to ensure system will work as expected  
Learnability Engineers are not cheap. How long will it take to learn systems and create mental model for new-hire?  
Agility How hard it will be to change scope of work  
Testability How can we proof system works as expected, How can we proof e2e is checking proper domains  
Elasticity Will traffic be on similar level, or spikes and drops are expected?  
Deployability Will deployment process reproducible and easy  
Development lifecycle Is process of building new puzzles known and structured?  
Performance Do you care about performance? What is traffic estimation?  
Scalability How will you and your dependency will scale  
Availability 24/7 or maybe 7-19 ?  
Reliability What level of?, how critical is it?  
Robustness what kinds of errors are expected?  
Continuity DR capabilities  
Security Will any bridge be a disaster for company and customers?  
Recoverability How to recover system in case of environment failure? How fast does it has to happen? How much data can be lost?  
Fault tolerance Which kind of outage are we expecting  
Scalability How scaling can be implemented? Is it required?  
Auditability Does system has to pass any audits?  
Data What can we store? What can be processed (legal)  
Configurability what level of parametrization is required?  
Supported platforms (if required) Do you need to support all operating systems? Does it apply?  
Maintability How easy is to keep system up and running  
Portability How important is possibility of software to new env/hardware/OS?  
Supportability What level of support for application will be required  
Upgradebility How single app and whole system handles upgrades? Is it required? Is multiversion support required?  
Accessibility what with folks with disabilities?  
Archieveability Can we/do we need to archive or delete data (GDPR?)  
Legal requirements    
Privacy can we hide transactions from internal employees? DDM?  
Compatibility is compatibility with other components required? I backward compatibility required?  
Usability How much do you care about users? Are there forced to use this system, or do you need to compete?  
functional suitability what mean completeness/correctness/mvp for this app/system?