
Marcin Niemira

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Extended attributes

lsattr in example shows extended file perms. Yes, you can be a root and be not allowed to modify /etc/hosts. Check the man

$ touch foo      
$ _ chattr +i foo
$ _ rm foo       
rm: cannot remove 'foo': Operation not permitted
$ _ whoami


My favourite linux interview question:

I accidentally run chmod -x /usr/bin/chmod can you fix this for me? We don’t have any access to the internet right now.

How many solutions can you find?


Must have on system

  • ssh only via key
  • fail2ban
    • auto blocks ip who are performing some attacks (in example common passords)
  • etckeeper
    • later or sooner something may get broken. Etckeeper helps with investigation as long as it’s not destroyed

Lets get crazy :)

Preventing core dumps

Setting the resource limit RLIMIT_CORE to 0 disables core dumps (ulimit -c 0)